Aarhus University Seal


Master's Degree Programme

About the programme
: English  (See language requirements)  | Place of study: Aarhus  |  Commencement: August / September (no winter intake)


It is a time of transitions in the business community with increasing globalisation, sustainability efforts and digitalisation on the agenda. To act and contribute in tomorrow's emerging business community, skills related to strategy, organisational change and leadership are emphasised. These topics are in focus in this programme, which gives students relevant knowledge, skills, and competences for the future.

The human side of the organisation

The MSc programme in Strategy, Organisation and Leadership (SOL) is a generalist degree programme that opens the door to a variety of jobs. The programme emphasises a holistic and cross-functional approach to organisations. The underlying assumption behind everything we teach our students is that humans are the biggest assets of any organisation, and that they lay the foundation for its success. We use classic as well as state-of-the-art research to convey knowledge on how to understand and work with challenges related to corporate and competitive strategy, organisational change, digitalisation, human development, performance and engagement. 

Career opportunities

Graduates from Strategy, Organisation and Leadership are generally employed in a broad range of jobs in larger companies or smaller and medium-sized companies. To begin with, they often work across specialist functions and are hired in positions as graduates, executive assistants, team coordinators, project managers, HR or change facilitators, or consultants. Later in their careers, a large proportion of SOL students progress into different kinds of more specialised and formal managerial positions.

MSc in Strategy, Organisation and Leadership Emilie and Nicholas tells about the competencies they have gained from the programme and how they use them in their current job.

Admission requirements

In this section you can learn more about the admission requirements relevant to the master's degree programme in Strategy, Organisation and Leadership. Depending on your educational background and your qualifications, there are different ways to meet the admission requirements: 

1. International and other qualifications

This section is relevant for you, if you have: 

  • a Bachelor's degree or equivalent from an institution outside of Denmark or
  • a Bachelor's degree or equivalent from a Danish institution, which does not ensure you a 'Legal right of admission´ or 'Direct admission'.

The two sections listed below are relevant only for students with a bachelor's degree from a Danish institution: 

2. Legal right of admission
3. Direct admission

Below you will also be able to learn more about language requirements and find out whether or not this master's degree programme has a limited intake. 

1. International and other qualifications

If you have an international educational background, you must meet both the general admission requirement and the specific admission requirements: 

General admission requirement

You must have a bachelor's degree or equivalent that is comparable to a Danish bachelor's degree in both level and duration (180 ECTS). 

For more information about how your bachelor's degree is assessed, please see the national database

Specific admission requirements

If you meet the general admission requirement, the university will continue on to assess whether or not you meet the specific admission requirements. 

You can be admitted to the master's programme if the university assesses that your education has a level, scope, and content that corresponds to the academic requirements specified below. 

Subject area Number of ECTS


The following subject areas must be covered:   

  • 10 ECTS within quantitative methods or statistics  

  • Only 5 ECTS can be covered by Mathematics 

Marketing  7,5


Accounting  7,5
Organisation and leadership theory  7,5
Microeconomics  5
Operations management  5
Additional ECTS points within the abovementioned areas  25
Bachelor’s project  10
Total  90
Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Commercial Law (HA (jur.)) with commencement of study September 2014 or later from Aarhus University must have passed a total of 10 ECTS within the business economics subjects below: 
  • Supply Chain Management and Sustainability - 5 ECTS 

  • Investments and Corporate Finance - 10 ECTS 

  • Investments - 5 ECTS  

  • Corporate Finance - 5 ECTS 

  • Introduction to Empirical Economics – 10 ECTS 

  • Regnskabsanalyse og værdiansættelse - 10 ECTS 

  • Privatøkonomi - 5 ECTS 

  • Behavioural Finance – 5 ECTS 

  • Entrepreneurship and Business Planning – 10 ECTS 

  • Behavioural Economics – 10 ECTS 

  • The Economics of Strategic Decision Making 5 ECTS 

  • Decision Analysis – 5 ECTS 

  • Financial Statement Analysis – 5 ECTS 

'Professional Bachelor's degree' and other Danish qualifications

Certain Professional Bachelor's degrees or similar covering specific subject areas from other Danish institutions have been determined to fullfill the admission requirements to this master's degree programme:

Required subject areas – Professional Bachelor’s degree in Financial Management and Service from Business Academy Aarhus 

Industry specialisation in Accounting (“Programme specialisation subject A – external accounts” and “Study programme subject B – strategic accounting”) 

With the following electives:   

  • Quantitative Research Methods 10 ECTS 

  • Financial Investment Strategies 5 ECTS  

  • Operations Management 5 ECTS 

Industry specialisation in Finansielle forretninger (this industry specialisation is only offered in Danish) 

With the following electives:   

  • Quantitative Research Methods 10 ECTS 

  • Financial Investment Strategies 5 ECTS  

  • Operations Management 5 ECTS 

Required subject areas - AP degree in Marketing Management in combination with a Professional Bachelor’s degree in International Sales and Marketing from Business Academy Aarhus  Number of ECTS
BSS module (including Methods 5 ECTS, Finance 5 ECTS, and Operations Management 5 ECTS)  15

For applicants who hold one of the abovementioned professional bachelor's degrees from another business academy, it will be assessed whether the electives correspond to abovementioned electives. 

For applicants who hold another professional bachelor's degree, the degree will be assessed according to the requirements described in the section “International and other qualifications”.  

We cannot assess in advance whether your specific degree will meet the above requirements. Therefore, we recommend that you apply for the programme if you believe that you meet the academic requirements. In this regard, it is a good idea to compare your degree with the programmes that provide direct admission. 

2. Legal right of admission

The following Bachelor's degree programme(s) from Aarhus University entitles you to an offer of admission to the Master's degree programme in Strategy, Organisation and Leadership: 

  •  Bachelor's degree programme in Economics and Business Administration (HA)  

Please note that you must apply for admission to the Master's degree programme within three years of completing your Bachelor's degree programme. 

Learn more about Legal right of admission.

3. Direct admission

Certain Bachelor's degree programmes from Aarhus University and various other Danish Universities have been determined to meet the admission requirements to this Master's degree programme in Strategy, Organisation and Leadership:  

  • Bachelor's degree programme in Economics and Business Administration (HA) from Aarhus University* 
  •  Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration with supplementary subject (Erhvervsøkonomi med tilvalg) at study plan 2017 and onwards from Aarhus University. 
  •  Bachelor's degree programme in Economics and Business Administration (HA - general business economics) from Copenhagen Business School, University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University or Roskilde University*

* With a diploma older than 2010, your Bachelor’s degree will be assessed according to the specific admission requirements described under the section: “International and other qualifications”. 

Download appendix for your application

You must fill in this appendix and upload it to the application portal. The appendix helps the Admission Board to assess your application.
Download appendix

Limited intake and selection criteria

This master's degree programme has a limited intake. 

Because of the limited intake all qualified applicants will be prioritised according to a set of selection critieria (see below). 

Meeting the admission requirements does not automatically ensure your offer of admission. Only if you have a specific bachelor's degree from Aarhus University with a so-called 'legal right of admission' will you be guarenteed an offer of admission to this master's degree programme.

Selection criteria

If there are more qualified applicants than available student places, the selection will be based on the following criteria (each criterion counts for 1/3): 

  1. Grades from the qualifying degree 

  2. Grades achieved in relevant subject fields:

    • Management and organisational theory 

    • Methods

  3. Relevant subject fields (measured in ECTS). In this assessment, ECTS credits that are a part of the admission requirements described under “International and other qualifications” are not included *.

    • Management and organisational theory

    • Methods

* The relevant subject fields are evaluated based on the following point system: 1 point per additional ECTS within the relevant field. You can earn a maximum of 15 points in this criterion. Example: If you have 10 ECTS in a relevant field where the requirement is 7.5 ECTS, you will receive 2.5 points.

Please note that grades achieved after the application deadline are not included in the assessment.

English language requirements

In order to be admitted to this programme you must meet the university's english language requirements

Students with bachelor's degree from Aarhus University with a so-called 'Legal right of admission' are exempt from the English language requirement. 

Assesment of qualifications

Unfortunately, Aarhus University is not able to assess your qualifications beforehand. In order for your qualifications to be assessed you must apply for admission. To learn more, please go to Assessment of your qualifications

Programme Structure


Below is an outline of the courses:

The study programme consists of two semesters in the first year which cover the compulsory courses in the programme specialisation and two semesters in the last year which are reserved for the student's own specialisation.

In the first semester you follow the prerequisite courses that form the methodological and academic basis for the further study programme.

In the second semester you follow the specialisation courses of the programme.

In the third semester you can choose elective courses within your areas of interest. The courses can either be taken at Aarhus BSS during the semester, at the Summer University or at one of our more than 300 partner universities abroad. You can also participate in project-based internship programmes either in Denmark or abroad.

The fourth semester is devoted to the final thesis. You may choose the topic of the thesis freely and so get a chance to concentrate on and specialise in a specific field of interest. The thesis may be written in collaboration with another student or it may be the result of your individual effort.

Changes from 2028

Starting from 2028, it is planned that the MSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand. merc.) will be offered as both a 1-year and a 2-year Master's degree programme.

If you have a legal right of admission to this programme because you have a specific bachelor's degree from Aarhus University, we expect that your right of admission will apply to the 1-year programme.

When we know more about the new structure, we will provide updates on this page.

Student Life

Learning in an International Context

At Aarhus BSS, we conduct research at the highest academic level. 

All researchers employed are engaged in research projects covering a wide range of different subjects and focusing on knowledge and skills considered essential for professional business activities in the global marketplace. All faculty have both research and teaching responsibilities, which means that our teaching is continually based on the latest research results. 

Aarhus BSS is very internationally oriented. The broad scope of our research activities and educational programmes enable us to attract researchers, teachers, and students from all over the world, and this creates an international environment for research and learning in which academic views are exchanged, experiences are gathered and friendships are formed. 

Aarhus University is a leading university in Denmark in building student exchange opportunities. The university encourages all students to spend time studying abroad. Every year, more than 700 students from Aarhus BSS go abroad to participate in exchange programmes around the world at our more than 300 partner universities. About the same number of students from all over the world come to participate in the exchange programme in Aarhus, and this contributes to a truly international learning atmosphere. 

Follow the student life at Aarhus University

-experienced, photographed and filmed by the students themselves. 

With thousands of pictures #AUInternational, #AarhusUni gives insight into the everyday life as a student at AU; the parties, procrastination, exams and all the other ways you’ll spend your time at university.

The photos belong to the users, shared with #AUInternational and #AarhusUni.


Tasks as a Graduate

The chart shows the five most common types of work for graduates 1-2 years after finishing their degree. The data is derived from a survey made by Epinion for the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and Aarhus University in 2020.

Job profile

The MSc in Strategy, Organisation and Leadership (SOL) is aimed at qualifying you to a wide variety of functions in private and public organisations. The programme provides you with a number of fundamental theoretical and analytical qualifications. You thereby acquire basic knowledge as well as a broad selection of methods and tools, which will enable you to contribute to resolving specific organisational and managerial problems. 

As a SOL graduate, one of your advantages is that you have a flexible starting point for initiating your career. Some students know from the beginning of their studies that they want to work with for example strategy or HRM. But a large proportion of our graduates are enrolled in different kinds of more cross-functional positions related to project management, IT consulting, change facilitation, and team coordination. The programme is well-known in the business environment and many companies appreciate the flexible starting point of the candidates. After some years of experience, many SOL graduates progress into more specialised formal managerial positions.

Profile of competencies

Students following the programme in Strategy, Organisation and Leadership will acquire competences relevant to running private or public organisations from a managerial point of view. 

More specifically, after graduation the student will be able to:

  • Master social science methodologies and tools to analyse, assess and facilitate leadership and organising processes in complex, changing, and often unpredictable contexts.
  • To assess and work with human aspects of effectiveness, performance, development, and engagement of the workforce.
  • To collect information, synthesise and integrate various strategic perspectives and practices of different specialist professions.

The set of competences derives from a teaching philosophy, which emphasises theoretical and methodological training in combination with the case method. Since the programme includes group work as well as individual work the student will obtain collaboration and self-management competences. Finally, since the teaching takes place in an international environment with students from numerous countries the student will obtain a number of cultural competences.

We want to help our students find successful careers. Students can always contact our Career Services for advice and assistance with getting onto the Danish labour market. Check out our careers page to see the range of services we offer.