Aarhus University Seal


Master of Science in Engineering

About the programme
Language: English  (See language requirements)  | Place of study: Aarhus  |  Commencement: August / September and January / February


At the start of the study, you choose between five study lines. The choice of study line is a choice of a course package that influences the first three semesters. Currently, the study lines are

  • Infrastructures and Geotechnical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Innovative Structural Design
  • Building Science and Technology
  • Construction Management and Engineering

Apart from the courses that belong to the study lines, a number of elective courses can be chosen. At the third semester a 10 or 15 ECTS project course taken within a topic relating to the study line. Also, at the third semester, many students choose to study abroad at another university. The final semester is the master thesis semester, where you choose the topic. The master thesis work may be in cooperation with an external company.

The programme is taught by faculty members who are active researchers, so students benefit from a research-intensive environment and have the opportunity to work with researchers, as well as the chance to complete a project in collaboration with a private company.

Research at the department

At the Department of Civil and Architechtural Engineering at Aarhus University, we create sustainable, technological solutions to some of the biggest challenges faced by businesses and society through research and development.

Meet the students

Admission requirements

The following Bachelor's degrees qualify students for admission to the Master of science in Engineering degree programme in Civil and Architectural Engineering if mathematical competencies in level, extent and content equal to at least 20 ECTS on Bachelor level in Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability Theory and Statistics can be documented. 

  • A Bachelor of Science degree in Civil and Architectual Engineering from a Danish University specialised in either Construction Management, Integrated Energy Design/Technical Installations, Basic Bearing Constructions, Geotechnical Engineering or Architectual Engineering. 
  • A Bachelor of Engineering degree in Civil and Architectual Engineering from a Danish University or University School of Engineering provided that the academic competencies with at least 60 ECTS in one of the specialised fields of either Construction Management, Integrated Energy Design/Technical installations, Bearing Constructions, Geotechnical Engineering or Architectual Engineering can be documented.  
  • A Bachelor of science degree with at least 60 ECTS in Civil and Architectural Engineering can qualify students for admission, provided that the academic requirements for the graduate engineer degree programme are met.
  • Other qualifications can provide admission to the graduate engineer degree programme, provided the university assesses that their level, extent and content correspond to the degrees mentioned above. 

In connection with possible admission, further requirements can be stipulated regarding the composition of the degree programme.

Download appendix for your application

If you apply for admission with an international Bachelor's degree, you must fill in this appendix and upload it in the application portal. The appendix serves to help the Admission Board assess your Bachelor’s degree in regard to the admission requirements.

Download appendix

Language requirements

To qualify for admission to English language programmes you must document English language qualifications comparable to an "English B level" in the Danish upper secondary school (Danish upper secondary school level). See the general English language requirements.

Limited intake from summer admission 2025

From the summer admission 2025 the following will take effect. The Master’s programme only admits a limited number of students each year, meeting the admission requirements does not in itself guarantee admission to the programme.

Allocation of student places is based on an overall assessment. In evaluating qualified applicants, the admissions committee assess applicants on the basis of the following criteria:

Academic background

  • Relevant courses* (measured in credit units) included in your Bachelor’s degree
  • Grades achieved on relevant courses*
  • Overall grade level – Bachelor’s degree

* Relevant courses include core courses within the subject areas of Mathematics and Engineering Design of Buildings, and either (1) Structural Mechanics, (2) Building Science, (3) Structural Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, or (4) Construction Management.

Please note that grades obtained after the time of application cannot be included in the assessment of grade level.

The admissions committee assess each applicant on the basis of the information provided in diplomas, transcripts, and course descriptions.

Programme Structure

Study lines

At the start of the study, you choose between five study lines:

  • Infrastructures and Geotechnical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Innovative Structural Design
  • Building Science and Technology
  • Construction Management and Engineering

Read more about the study lines at the Study portal


Job functions for grads

The chart shows the five most common types of work for graduates 1-2 years after finishing their degree. The data is derived from a survey made by Epinion for the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and Aarhus University in 2020.

Competence profile

With a Master’s degree in Civil- and architectural engineering, you have the following skills: 

  • You have general knowledge of architectural engineering and detailed knowledge of key disciplines, methodologies, theories and concepts within Civil- and architectural engineering.
  • You can independently plan, manage and implement projects and apply the results in scientifically relevant decision processes.
  • You can assess the applicability and appropriateness of theoretical, experimental and practical methodologies for the analysis and solution of scientific questions and issues.
  • You can structure your own competence development independently and critically.
  • You are able to systematically and critically familiarise yourself with new subject areas.
  • You can relay and communicate academic questions and issues to both a scientific and a general audience.
  • You can collaborate constructively on a scientific basis to solve subject-related issues.

Job opportunities

The varied forms of teaching, collaboration in groups and the opportunity for close scientific dialogue with the researchers, as well as the strong relationship with the industrial sector, provide graduates with competencies that are in great demand in the global job market. These competencies include abstract, critical and independent thinking, analytical skills, and strategic planning. You can use these skills in many contexts – even in jobs you didn’t know you were qualified for.

Previous graduates of the MSc Civil and Architectural Engineering programme are employed by consulting engineering firms, entrepreneurial firms, property companies, architecture firms, or in the building component industry. Graduates typically work in roles that involve developing and designing advanced building constructions, advanced energy technology solutions and industrialised building components – frequently in interdisciplinary collaboration with architects and designers.

We have a range of career services available here at AU, including job-hunting tips, networking events, and CV workshops, to give you a helping hand onto the Danish labour market. Take a look at our careers page to see how we can support you both before and after graduation.

Student life

Aarhus University has many social spaces where you can meet other students outside lessons and this is an excellent basis for social activities. There is an engineering club for staff and students through which students can network with like-minded people. Like all departments, there is a popular Friday bar, and "De Studerendes Råd - RIA" organises celebrations and social events for all students.

Campus – a unique place

Aarhus University campus is unique, with buildings closely grouped together and surrounded by nature. The campus is conveniently situated close to the city centre, and student accommodation is readily available as long as you apply on time. There are a range of activities, ranging from running to regatta on the lake, as well as guest lectures, film screenings, and university events taking place throughout the year. To ensure student well-being, counselling services are available for students, to offer support and guidance during their time at Aarhus.

Aarhus as a city

As the second-largest city in Denmark, Aarhus is a young and dynamic place with plenty of opportunities. The 40,000 students at the university make up 17.5% of the city’s population, which leaves its mark on city life. An attractive feature of Aarhus is that there are beaches and woods a short bike-ride away, as well as cultural events taking place throughout the year, including the Aarhus Festival in September. The theatres in the city and the ARoS international art museum offer many events that enable you to experience the Danish culture.

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-experienced, photographed and filmed by the students themselves.

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