Aarhus University Seal

Children's Literature, Media and Cultural Entrepreneurship

Master's Degree Programme

About the programme
Language: English (See language requirements)   | Place of study: Aarhus and Glasgow | Commencement: August / September (no winter intake)

From 2024, the title of this Master's Degree programme has been changed from Children’s Literature, Media and Culture to Children’s Literature, Media and Cultural Entrepreneurship.


The Master’s degree programme in Children’s Literature, Media and Cultural Entrepreneurship is designed primarily for students with a Bachelor’s degree in language, literature and media. Based on your Bachelor’s degree, you will gain broad knowledge of the literature, media and culture of children and young people. The degree programme focuses on the characteristics of specific texts and media, on how children and young people use and produce texts and media themselves, and on how literature and media are communicated and received in specific contexts.

An international degree programme

The degree programme takes place at universities in at least three different European countries, including two compulsory semesters at the University of Glasgow and Aarhus University respectively. Erasmus Mundus programmes accept students from all over the world, so you will be studying with a highly motivated and highly qualified international group of students. It is possible to apply for funding for the programme, but you can also pay for it yourself. Read more about the degree programme

Career opportunities 

The Master’s degree programme in Children’s Literature, Media and Cultural Entrepreneurship qualifies you to work across different media, subject areas and countries. You will be able to find work on a global labour market in the private or public sector within the field of the production and reception of the literature and media of children and young people.

Admission requirements

Applications for this programme is administered by the University of Glasgow.


Programme structure

Academic regulations

As a student it is important to know the regulations for your chosen subject: what is the content, how is it structured and what does it require from you. You can find this information in the academic regulations.

In the following graphical presentation you can see the different modules and courses.

Student life

You will lead the life of an international student. You will study at several different universities, so you will discover different types of student life. You will be part of a close group of internationally minded students who are all determined to create a strong sense of community across their cultural differences. You and your fellow students will not only share a common academic interest, but also meet different approaches to teaching and education at the different universities.

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-experienced, photographed and filmed by the students themselves.

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The photos belong to the users, shared with #AUInternational and #AarhusUni.


A Master’s degree in Children’s Literature, Media and Cultural Entrepreneurship provides you with deep insight into all aspects of the media and texts surrounding children and young people today. Your insight into the distinctive features of texts and media for children and young people and the contexts in which they come into play paves the way for a career related to production and communication/teaching within the field. The international network you establish during the programme will give you the option of pursuing a career abroad. If you are interested in research in this field, you can apply for admission to the university’s PhD programme.

A Master’s degree in Children’s Literature, Media and Cultural Entrepreneurship enables you to:

  • Use your great knowledge of children’s literature, media and culture in teaching, communication, project development and production
  • Work with children’s literature, media and culture internationally and across different media
  • Apply your theoretical and analytical knowledge in practice, for example by collaborating and communicating about children’s literature, media and culture across different fields and age groups in both private and public contexts